Moustafa Shaaban Abdelaziz
- Year of Birth: 1996
- Address: Alexandria, Egypt
- Email:
- Phone + Whatsapp Number: 0201018989702
- Website
- Github
Graduated from faculty of Arts department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Alexandria University.
I am a self taught software developer focusing on mobile app development and full stack web development using Django web framework for the back-end and Vue.js for the front-end. i built some projects to showcase my skills in the front-end and back-end which you can access here: Github:
Advanced Django Blog
A Fulstack Blog Web Application built using Django Web Framework and Vue.js 3 that Supports both GraphQL and Rest APIs.
Project files on Github
Project preview
Vue GIS App
A Frontend GIS Interactive Web Application built using Leaflet.js, Vue.js 3, Pinia State Manager, Quasar Framework and Chart.js
Live Preview
Project files on Github
A Frontend Expenses Tracker Application built using Vue.js 3, Pinia State Manager, Quasar Framework and Chart.js
Live Preview
Project files on Github
- Frontend Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Vue JS and Bootstrap 5
- Backend development: Django web framework, Django rest framework, Rest APIs and GraphQL
- Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL and Sqlite3
- Linux, Windows, Git and Github.
Data Entry
- Elsadek for Real estate valuation
Marine surveyor assistant
- Misr Marine for Surveys and Services
Customer Service Representative
- ECCO Outsourcing
Alexandria University:
- Bachelor's degree, from Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems, Division of Survey and Maps.
- Arabic: Native Speaker
- English: Advanced